Keeping a complicated workout regimen organized can sometimes make your brain spin. That's okay—counting reps sometimes sucks when you're focused on your form. But if you're the type of guy whose head actually hurts when you're lifting, you should probably take a step back to assess exactly what's going on.

Paul Christo, M.D., a professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine at John's Hopkins University and SiriusXM host, gave Men's Health some info to help you get to the bottom of your weight room headache woes.

Overwhelmed By Exertion

If the pain is a throbbing sensation around your temples, Christo says you could be dealing with an exertion headache. The fix here is easy—it's stuff you should be doing already.

"Before your workout, drink three of four glasses of water," says Christo. "Then warm up—that can reduce sudden rises in intracranial pressure."

If you're looking for a better way to warm up, here's a quick 2-minute routine you can bust out anywhere,

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If you feel like an exertion headache is coming on, you can head it off. Just prepare to get wet. "Pour cold water over your head," says Christo. "It may help constrict blood vessels on the scalp, easing pressure."

Cut Through The Tension

But you might be feeling something different. If the sensation is more of a band-like pain extending from the back to the front of your head, Christo says you might be experiencing tension headaches.

The solution? Steer your training away from your head, and lighten up.

"Avoid moves that stress your lower neck (barbell squat), lighten the load, or do fewer reps," Christo advises.

Remember, your head is trying to tell you something. There are several other remedies you can try to get rid of your aches and pains, but if you give them a shot, follow Christo's advice, and still experience pain while you lift, stop what you're doing and consult a doctor.

A versi0n of this article appeared in the April 2018 issue of Men's Health Magazine.